Sunday, April 1, 2007

O'Reilly Bashes the Left on Fox News

While it is no scandal to know that Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly is right wing and has the enthusiasm to bash the left, it is scandalous in how he scandalises the left, insults and demeans them using what he calls “experts”. Note that his “experts” in this Rosie O'Donnell bashing are right wing as well. But surely we need a semblance of balance in discussing issues. Instead of discussing the merits of O’Donnell’s claims about Britain and United States’ intention of attacking Iran, he carries an accusatory and treasonous tone. It’s a shame and that indeed is a SCANDAL.
By the way, leftists have come to O’Reilly's show (The O’Reilly Factor) and have been demonised.

To watch video of Bill O’Reilly on Rosie O’Donnell click here.

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