Thursday, November 1, 2007

A Review of Thomas L. Friedman book, The World is Flat

By Kuthula Matshazi

In his book, The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century Thomas L. Friedman argues that the world is now flat. By that he means that those obstacles that created inequalities and prevented global networking are being eliminated and now the playing field for international competition is being levelled. More...


Anonymous said...

How anyone who supports Mugabe, that stupid idiot who destroyed his own country, could 'review' a book on economics, is beyond me! It is like asking a 6 year old to review a book on post-graduate algebra problems.

Anonymous said...

News just in reports that Mugabe has stunned the world and turned the financial table by revalueing the long suffering Zimbabwe dollar. By decree, one Zimbabwean dollar will now buy 100 US dollars, making the Zimbabwian economy 100 times bigger than the US economy. African economists lauded the step, praising Mugabe for upholding the African spirit, and outsmarting the hypocritical western powers.

Kuthula said...

Well, I wonder who the real idiot is considering that you can't even tell us what is wrong with the review. It cant be wrong just because it was reviewed by "anyone who supports Mugabe". Is that all you can say about the review?
In fact, have you ever even seen it?

Kuthula said...

You are a horrible liar! Where did you get that news? Just got to show what kind of a person you really are. Next time people like you who are bent on misinformation will not be published on this blog. This is a forum for discussing reasonable issues and not your petty rumours.

Larry V said...

Grreat blog you have