By Kuthula Matshazi
The plan by the British to invade Zimbabwe demonstrates the rogueness of that government and its contempt of the international governance institutions as well as international law. Who is Tony Blair to unilaterally decide to invade a sovereign country? If there is anything that they are worried about, why would they not go to the United Nations, and through Chapter VII seek authority to invade Zimbabwe through the community of nations of the world?
But of course we know that the British have tried that route many times and have failed to get authorisation to invade Zimbabwe under the pretext that the country is an international threat. It’s sickening!!! The real international threat is Britain which has proved beyond doubt by its murderous adventure in Iraq and its always failing missions in Zimbabwe. Besides, Britain is currently leading Western countries in applying genocidal economic sanctions on the defenceless people of Zimbabwe.
It took almost a decade for Britain to realise that “Quite Diplomacy” was the only way to solve the problems in Zimbabwe. The economic sanctions have failed to achieve the regime change sought. If at all it had effect, it entrenched the current government of Zanu PF and ironically has led to the disintegration of its one-time-wonder party they formed and sponsored, the MDC. We wait to see for how long the British and its friends will go on pouring money into a Black Hole promoting their saboteurs under the cover of civil society. If President Thabo Mbeki’s diplomacy fails then at least it’s better because he did not apply economic sanctions or did not try to undermine a sovereign state. What he is trying to do is get a solution in a progressive manner.
The plan by the British to invade Zimbabwe demonstrates the rogueness of that government and its contempt of the international governance institutions as well as international law. Who is Tony Blair to unilaterally decide to invade a sovereign country? If there is anything that they are worried about, why would they not go to the United Nations, and through Chapter VII seek authority to invade Zimbabwe through the community of nations of the world?
But of course we know that the British have tried that route many times and have failed to get authorisation to invade Zimbabwe under the pretext that the country is an international threat. It’s sickening!!! The real international threat is Britain which has proved beyond doubt by its murderous adventure in Iraq and its always failing missions in Zimbabwe. Besides, Britain is currently leading Western countries in applying genocidal economic sanctions on the defenceless people of Zimbabwe.
It took almost a decade for Britain to realise that “Quite Diplomacy” was the only way to solve the problems in Zimbabwe. The economic sanctions have failed to achieve the regime change sought. If at all it had effect, it entrenched the current government of Zanu PF and ironically has led to the disintegration of its one-time-wonder party they formed and sponsored, the MDC. We wait to see for how long the British and its friends will go on pouring money into a Black Hole promoting their saboteurs under the cover of civil society. If President Thabo Mbeki’s diplomacy fails then at least it’s better because he did not apply economic sanctions or did not try to undermine a sovereign state. What he is trying to do is get a solution in a progressive manner.
It was/is not a myth. The threat was/is real. Take a look at this petition below:
Mugabe to be arrested.
News just in:
Anibal Cavaco Silva, President of Portugal, at a news conference in Lisbon, slipped the real reason why Robert Mugabe, president of Zimbabwe, will be invited to a summit of EU and African leaders next month. Previously EU president Portugal has said Mugabe will be invited this time -- despite threats of a British boycott -- in order to address human rights abuses in Zimbabwe.
Now Pres. Silva let it slip that Mugabe will be arrested at the summit by indictment of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law in The Hague, for crimes against the people of Zimbabwe. The maximum sentence it can impose is life imprisonment.
This development follows after the former head of the British armed forces, Lord Charles Guthrie, revealed in a newspaper interview that the possibility of invading Zimbabwe and murdering Mugabe had been discussed. According to reliable sources, the majority of the EU would see Mugabe in a European prison for life, rather than following the British approach of outright killing Mugabe.
President Silva later tried to retract his slippage, saying that "We will only organise a debate (at the summit) so that he (Mugabe) can receive a clear and tough message". Sources in Harare, Zimbabwe, says that the deputy information minister Bright Matonga, are trying to warn President Mugabe not to attend the summit, saying "They have always targetted African leaders opposed to their imperialist policies and they want to do that with President Mugabe”.
Ever heard of a AGM-86 ALCM cruiser missile? Range: +2500 km, Warhead: 1400kg, accuracy: 0.5 meters.
Ever heard of Google Earth? Go check Mugabe's house, ZANU/PF headquarters, Parliament. Go check the coordinates.
Ever heard of military satellites like the KH-13? Image resolution: 4 cm. Uses Infra Red.
Robert Mugabe, be afraid, be VERY afraid! One little button to be pressed, and old Mugger is a messy fart.
Its this kind of dreaming that is unhelpful in discussing issues in a meaningful manner. It will not happening unless we choose to ignore reality on the ground. Here is a UK General acknowledgin the problems of an invasion. Its not about mere technology. If it was, then Bin Laden would be eliminated or Iraq subdued. But of course, such talk gives some comfort. But reality and comfort are two different things.
What is the point of discussing this? These plans were not put into action, that's the bottom line.
Where is your coverage on this new proposed currency which will rob many people of their savings? Where is your coverage on the state of the declining value of the Zim dollar? Where is your coverage of the lack of utilization of newly acquired farms? These are the things that matter to our country, why do you ignore issues in our country that are of supreme importance and instead choose to highlight matters that have had no effect on the current situation in Zimbabwe.
All these things you talk about are being dealt with appropriately. But it is shocking for you to suggest that it is water under the bridge that the rogue British government wanted to attack Zimbabwe. You are tacitly wish that could have happened.
You reasoning is so asinine. If the British government wanted to remove Mugabe from power they could easily accomplish it militarily. Zimbabwe would not even have any means to mount a counter attack. Simply put this was just an idea that someone had and it was not approved. Big deal. I am sure that Russia and the US both had plans on how they would have attacked one another does that mean anything? C'mon Kuthula you are being educated in Canada, you powers of reasoning should be a little better.
That is not true Dave...only in dreams can Britain "easily accomplish it militarily". They even said it themselves. The problem with you is that you live in denial land. Wake up to reality.
This kind of discussion does not even need some reasoning power. Its simple logic. Unless you don't understand international relations.
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