...Science not settled, Let the debate begin again!
President Thabo Mbeki remains an "Aids dissident" who has told a biographer that he regrets bowing to pressure from his cabinet to "withdraw from the debate" over the disease ravaging South Africa. More...
Courtesy of UK Guardian
We all know that Science he is not big in Efrica.
We told you the beeg economist that this would happen, but no, you said it is him the biggest soultion to hem the zimbawean pooor:
From Mavis Makuni
The price war has done nothing to ease the plight of ordinary Zimbabweans as government declared it would.
Instead, the crackdown has made things much worse than anyone would have imagined four months ago. Not only can basic goods not be found on a regular, reliable basis but when they appear once in a blue moon, the prices are stratospheric — not affordable as the government vehemently declared they would be after its crackdown. It is the same consumers that the government claimed to be rescuing from exploitation by unscrupulous and unpatriotic businesspeople who now have to shoulder the burden of costs passed on as firms try to re-captalise.
The firms were bankrupted by the decree on prices, which was big news when it was imposed but about whose disastrous consequences very little is now heard. The starving population needs to know what the government is doing to restore a modicum of normalcy. It is not sustainable for whole families to live on snacks and food from the takeaway sections of supermarkets where a small portion of sadza and meat or sausage costs almost a million dollars. How many meals can an average worker have at that price?
The fact that the unscrupulous are proving the government wrong - through devious means - should not a cause for concern. Rather, what we want to know is whether these business people are doing everything above board. Do they, for instance follow pricing principles. So yes, govt is being side stepped, but that does not mean what the tricksters is correct. They are heartless profiteering tricksters. That's all they are. And they are, stunningly receiving support to continue their genocidal tricks!!!
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